To be honest, I’ve always been into health, nutrition, mindset and making the world a better place etc. I studied psychology, sociology, counselling and child/human development (and computer science, manifesting generator here lol), but my passion for natural wellbeing and “alternative” healing well and truly came to fruition when I became chronically ill and bedridden after 11 years of strutting down catwalks all over the world as a fashion model. I was told I wouldn’t be able to walk again. I wouldn’t be able to run around with my children. That was the hardest thing to hear, ever! But, after years of investigation finding alternative and holistic solutions I took control of my healing + found peace. And it’d be selfish of me to keep it to myself. My aim here is to share what worked, and what works for me.

And if you want to get to know me, here’s my life story in brief:

I’m originally from a small town in West Lothian, Scotland and at age 14 I was scouted in a shopping centre in Glasgow and became an international fashion model. I enjoyed travelling and working for some amazing clients and meeting some of the most inspirational people in the world (I also came across some of the most disgusting people ever, but I’ll save those stories for another time…).

I modelled in India, Dubai and Europe for clients such as Roberto Cavalli, Billionaire, Fashion TV, Vogue, Canon, Asiana, Bangalore Fashion Week, London Fashion Week, Bacardi, Toni + Guy.

And then my world as I knew it came crashing down.

I developed a seriously painful condition when pregnant, my legs wouldn’t support my body and I would get numbness in the bottom half of my body. Eventually, I couldn’t walk unaided.

I was misdiagnosed with all sorts of issues, it was a matter of opinions, but one consistency was that they didn’t know how to help me get better, despite all the tests and scans.

I was told I would never walk again because there was nothing more they could do.

They gave up on me.

But I’m not one to give up.

I couldn’t bear the look on my children’s faces when I said “Mummy is in too much pain to play” again!

I HAD to find a way.

This took me on a journey of finding “alternative” and holistic ways to heal. My healing included (and includes) getting rid of toxins in my everyday environment and products, natural ailments, eating cleaner, meditation, inner work, self-care and alternative therapies.

I built Honest Miracle Family Organics when I was bedridden because I didn’t want others to suffer like I was suffering at the time, so I wanted to warn others of the impact of certain toxins etc – I also wrote a book that was a best-seller in front of some seriously inspirational people for, like, two years! (Still can’t believe it hehe) – And our customers always ask about my healing story because they know people who are searching for solutions and they want to help them.

So I decided to put it all here, in one place, to help you and others live your best life.

I am grateful that I get to be a part of your journey đź’š


Kim x 

P.S. I’ll probably blog a little bit about my life as well – home education + world schooling (home education whilst travelling), motherhood, experiences etc.

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